Profession Training in Secondary Schools - Graphic Design (Animation) (KVV/AVEAT)

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Course description:

The aim of the course is to develop students' creative skills in animation. Students gain an understanding of the principles of creative work by animators and designers, learning to express their skills through basic artistic and graphic techniques. Students gain a grounding in both drawn and puppet animation, acquiring fundamental knowledge of writing and editing as well as learning about the basic principles of animation, timing, and the use of computer animation programs (TV Paint Animation, Adobe Premiere, Photoshop, Illustrator etc.). Participants become aware of the various applications of animation in advertising and promotion/marketing, exhibiting, the production of books, brochures and magazines, and the media – especially film and television, including work in animation studios, graphic studios, publishers etc.


  • 1. – 3. Creative principles, definition of terms – animation, animator, designer. Development of experience involving fundamental artistic and graphic techniques, knowledge of drawn and puppet animation.
  • 4. – 6. Development of experience and theoretical knowledge of writing and editing, learning about the basic principles of animation, timing, and the use of computer animation programs (TV Paint Animation, Adobe Premiere, Photoshop, Illustrator etc.).
  • 7. – 9. Development of experience in creative tasks – design, film-making, graphics. Acquisition of basic skills in graphic design – creating logos, brochures, comic strips, posters and subtitles. Implementation and consultation of individual and group projects – topic selection, script-writing, final implementation including soundtrack.
  • 10. - 12. Acquisition of additional knowledge via lectures and screenings – overview of the history, development and technological basis of animated films. Information on possible further education in animation, advertising and promotion/marketing, exhibiting, the production of books, brochures and magazines, and the media – especially film and television, including work in animation studios and graphic studios.
  • 13. Further information on the broad spectrum of graphic/animation applications: applied and free graphic art, web design, computer graphics, comic strips, posters, brochures, small ads, small-scale printed materials, film-making (animated and non-animated) from script-writing to the implementation stage – basics of script-writing, animation techniques (drawing, computer graphics, cutout animation, stop-motion animation, pixellation). Additional knowledge focusing on technical equipment necessary for animated film production.


  • SMITH, R. Encyklopedie výtvarných technik a materiálů. Praha : Slovart, 2000. ISBN 80-7209-245-6*R*.
  • VIEJO, I. R. de, COHEN, J. Etched on the Memory. The presence of Rembrandt and the prints of Goya and Picasso. ISBN 90-66-11-72-22.
  • KREJČA, A. Grafické techniky. Praha : Aventinum, 1994. ISBN 80-7151-638-8.
  • ODEHNAL, A. Grafické techniky : dřevořez, dřevoryt, suchá jehla, čárový lept, prýskavý lept, protiskový lept, krajonová manýra, barevná grafika, měkký kryt, mezzotinta, mědirytina, akvatinta, rezerváž. Brno : Střední škola uměleckých řemesel, 1996. ISBN 80-902275-0-3.
  • BAUER, A. Grafika. Olomouc : Rubico, 1999. ISBN 80-85839-34-2.
  • ESCHER, M. C. Grafika a kresby. Köln : Benedikt Taschen, Praha : Slovary, 2003. ISBN 3-8228-2146-2.
  • WITTLICHOVÁ, J. Grafika české avantgardy 1907-1918. Praha : Národní galerie, 1991. ISBN 80-7035-025-3.
  • HOURA, M. Jak se dívat na grafiku. Praha : Státní pedagogické nakladatelství, 1971.
  • HOURA, M. Novoročenky z let 1955-2001. Praha : Spolek sběratelů a přátel exlibris, 2001. ISBN bez ISBN.
  • Various authors. Slovník světové kresby a grafiky. Praha : Odeon, 1997. ISBN 80-207-0550-3.
  • DUSONG, J. L., SIEGWART, F. Typografie: od slova k počítačům. Praha : Svojtka a Vašut, 1997. ISBN 80-7180-296-4.
  • BERÁNEK, P. 630 cm2. Mail-Art Ostrava 95/97 : Katalog výstav v letech 1995 a 1997. Ostrava : Galerie výtv. umění, 1997. ISBN 80-85091-47-X.

Updated: 02. 03. 2018